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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

**Spring 2023 Season Registration Is OPEN!**


Click the Login icon

Enter your login information

It will bring you to the main account page

Click on the Volunteer tab on the far left

Click on "find volunteer roles"

Select the AYSO Region 1437 Spring Soccer 2019 program, and then click view roles

Go to the age group your child is in (if you have multiple children, just choose one age group) and click on the Sign Up icon next to "Board Member" then click continue

It will bring you to a screen where it will have all the account (parent) members on your account. Select the person you are registering for and click continue

Enter your information in, be sure to answer all questions with a red asterisk:

Under the references area, list your employer under the first section, Reference two can be a friend, co-worker, etc.

Be sure to select "yes" to accept the waiver on the very bottom of the form:
Then click continue

Next you will e-sign, click that you are ok to use the e-signature and then type in your name.
You only have to sign the first yellow box. the 2nd one is when you are registering your  child and you would be signing as their guardian.

Click continue to review

Review the document and then click "submit signed volunteer application" on the very bottom

Click continue on the very bottom

It should bring you to a page similar to this:

It may not say you are eligible right away, but you will be notified or can check back at a later time.

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO St Croix Falls Region 1437

2242 205th Street 
Luck, Wisconsin 54853

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 612-919-6420
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